weekends are for movies...

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punisher-sm.jpgD and I went to see The Punisher on friday night. Thumbs up! Much better than the Dolph Lundgren version. Very entertaining, but typical Hollywood action movie fare - meet the people, get to know them, watch them die, (anti?)hero settles up - lots and lots of stuff blowing up. And that's ok. It's nice to sit back for the ride every now and then.

killbill-sm.jpgI compare it with Kill Bill, which we saw the previous weekend, and find there is no comparison beyond the revenge theme. I enjoyed The Punisher - but I loved Kill Bill. Maybe it was the way the story was told; maybe the juxtapositioning of the bloodbath of the 88 and the duel with O-Ren; or the gut clenching scene of despair in the darkness. Throughout the film(s), QT crafts an experience. Fine dining, compared to the comfort food of the Punisher.

Take a look at D. Keith Robinson's site - he has a good review about Kill Bill. For the most part I agree with his comments, but I'm a Tarantino fan anyway.

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I loved Kill Bill as well.

Here's my in-depth review on Vol. II:


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