It's been a while since I've been fencing but the UNBSJ Fencing Club started up on Tuesday and I've agreed to be one of the coaches. Once I decided to help out with the coaching I got to thinking about lesson plans which got me thinking about fencing mechanics which got me reminiscing about actually being on the piste and fencing. So from zero to sixty in one short day - I ended up going to the competitive club in town Tueday evening and putting in a solid training and bouting session. It was kind of fun. No - actually it was a rush. You don't really forget how to fence, but your body struggles to do more that you are able to after being away from it for a year and a half. Hmmph - I say a year and a half which is pretty much how long I've been away from the club but it's probably closer to 2 and a half years since I've been training to compete. Anyway, I felt pretty good afterwards and suprisingly not too sore. So now I'm trying to decide if I'll compete on the Maritime Circuit this year. (Something that all my fencer friends ask me whenever our paths cross.) Only time will tell I guess. The first competition is in Halifax on the first weekend in October but I think it might be a bit too soon for me.