the redesign...

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I've finally made this a goal on my 43 things list - to redesign this site (and to have it done by the end of the month). I mean this is getting seriously embarassing - my blogroll is growing almost daily and I've yet to put the list up - and there are so many interesting blogs out there. Anyway, all that will be rectified in version 2.
I've actually got most of the template done - just not quite satisfied with it quite yet.

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Hey Isil,

You go girl. I am pretty sure the redesign will be as good as the current design.

Looking foward to seeing what you come up with! :-)

Hi guys - thanks! I feel encouraged now to slog away at it. I think though, it's going to be more of an updated version of the current design rather than something else entirely (at least for now ;) ) maybe someday I'll be happy with it. And then, of course, will have to scrap it for a whole new look.

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