1 year and counting ...

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off the wall

Wow - it's been exactly a year since this blog first launched. I thought I'd post a cheery photo of a happy face (with goatee? or is it a tongue sticking out - not quite sure). At the uni, some lucky person is tasked with the job of attaching these little notes to the lockers to remind people to clean them out and remove the locks by the end of the exam period. In some places they are on every locker, in other places every other. Notice they are attached with little pieces of scotch tape, they're not even Post It's ®. What a job! Well, it seems that someone else got a little creative with the notes and posted this art piece on the wall.
So happy 1yr anniversary day. Here's to more blogging: observing/writing/commenting.

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Congratulations; lots of people never last this long. Keep on writing.

Hi Jay - welcome and thanks!

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