05/05/05 ...

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What a great series of numbers! Well - close enough if you omit the year prefix. (Happy Cinco de Mayo for those who celebrate it.)

Now, have you ever had a project which you felt like you'd been working on like forever? That's been my life for the past while, with one project in particular that's been driving me absolutely batty. But I am very persistent and today have completed a major portion of it. So should be fairly smooth sailing henceforth. (yeesh - knock on wood). Of course it was the stylesheets that were particularly tricky this time (mea culpa - I just had to comp up a fairly complex mockup...) and then tried implementing sIFR (which was working ok - but not to my satisfaction) so scrapped it for images. sIFR and fluid layouts don't seem to mix very well - at least not for me - because of the issues with the (lack of) background transparancy. So what was happening was that my design would shrink properly with the viewport but the sIFR text would cover up parts of the page with the stupid background block. Ok - I'll just use it for fixed-width designs from now on. (which will be rare because I like my pages stretchy) ;) .

So at least the front page is done - now to set up the internal page and subsection templates, which should theoretically take no time at all.

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