24 season ender ...

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Well it's over. Whew - what a day. It's the kind of day that makes you damn glad you're not Jack. I mean, he woke up that day in his new job, with his new girlfriend and the day went downhill pretty quickly. Chasing terrorists, torturing suspects, matching wits with a nutcase. Now the day is over, America is safe but poor Jack! No girl, no job, no life.

I really like this show though because each episode ends on a nail-biter, however, there are so many silly holes in the plot and so many "huh?" moments it just boggles the mind. Classic "huh?" moment on the season finale episode, Mandy the terrorist/freelance baddie is cornered in a parking garage, Jack holds her attention while she's got her gun on Tony's throat, and Curtis sneaks around to try to surprise her. Eventually Curtis gets close enough to push her away from Tony, she swings at Curtis and WHAM Curtis slams his fist into her face. Mandy drops like a stone. No duh. But later, she comes around and Jack goes over to question her - no brusing at all on her face. Not a red mark, no swelling nada. Now that's one tough broad!

Anyway - with 24 over for now it looks like mainstream TV fare is done for now and the tv will be getting a long needed rest for the summer. Jeez, who knows - maybe I'll even be able to blog more regularly.

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