csi season finale ...

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Well it's season finales week and I just got finished watching the 2-hour season finale to CSI (the original series). Being a fan of both the series itself and Quentin Tarantino perhaps I was expecting a little more than we got - more substance I mean. The show was great, yet lacking. The characters seemed to be skimming the surface of their personas, like they were uncomfortable playing out this episode. I don't know - maybe I'm just tired but the plot seemed weak. But whatever eh? It's Tarantino man! And he's learned to bury people in plexiglas ® rather than wood so they can't punch their way out. The dream sequence was pretty funny too as was the lonely little pile of intestines in the opening scenes.

Other finales tonight:
E.R. - watched this, the tragedy was really well done. Ripped straight from the headlines, a party in a building with a wooden balcony structure on each of 4 levels. All of a sudden it collapses probably from the weight of all the people dancing on the the top level balcony. Really well done, one minute they're there, the next they're dropping like a stone and collapsing each level beneath them. This really happened a summer or 2 ago.

The O.C. - taped this, will watch it later.

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We watch -- and blog about -- the same tv shows.

Well - great minds eh? So did you enjoy the CSI episode?
What I'm really looking forward to is the Monday night finale to 24! Then, I'm going to rent the DVD's of the 1st season which I did not see. I jumped in around the middle of the 2nd season and have been hooked ever since.

I set my dvr to record the season finale and I was stoked because for the last couple of months, literally, all I've watched is episodes of CSI taped from the cable network Spike, and I had previously never seen a single episode.

I've tried to analyze why I like it so much, and yes, I even enjoy the spinoffs set in FL and NY, and I think it's that all of the characters ARE so reserved. It keeps you wanting more, and I guess that that is probably a key to writing television screenplays. Tarantino is indeed an effing genius, but if he wrote what we expect him to write, CSI would probably be a large, steaming pile of craziness, but I have to say that I have wanted Grissom to get Sarah for a long time, his character is so kick-ass and I was only able to see the last 15 minutes of the show. I got a little teary when Brass woke up, maybe 'cuz I've got a five-year old daughter who I hope never becomes a crack whore.

Anyway, cool website. I know what you mean about always wanting more from a season finale, it drives me crazy.



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