kingdom of heaven...

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We went to see Kingdom of Heaven on Saturday night. It hasn't been getting very good reviews but I really liked it. The story was well told, the fight scenes were well done with just enough blood and guts flying about. There's not much that Ridley Scott puts his hands to that doesn't come out good.

Stories like this make you think about the capacity of humanity to live in peace - and the inability of mankind to do just that. Will there ever be a Kingdom of Heaven on earth? Not likely. Not as long as there are those who refuse to live and let live.

4 stars out of 5.

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Thought I would stop by and say hi, since it was on your list to get more traffic (43 things). Its tough to get the high volume traffic, I am just getting my blog up and running so I know the feeling of seeing no comments on anything you post.

Good luck,

Aaron Post

Hi Aaron,
Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment. My readership seems to be increasing so I'm pretty happy with that. As for the comments, well I read a lot of blogs too and I don't always comment so it's ok if people don't comment on my articles. They will if the article/entry resonates with them for some reason. Good luck with your blog.

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