Just got back from seeing Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. One word - awwwsome. I think Ian McDiarmid has got to be the greatest hammy actor since good ole Bill Shatner. As Darth Sideous his sense of pacing is outstanding, his words seem to slowly ooze from his mouth.
But watching the movie is like watching a slow motion train-wreck. We know the ending of course, and watching Anakin unravel is conflicting. It's a little sad but I was never really fond of the Anakin character - from know-it-all kid to petulant teenager and now to one messed up young adult. Emotionally weak, mentally fragile and very strong in power - a dangerous combination that Palpatine can easily use against him. So then Anakin's strongest persona is eventually Darth Vader and it's exciting to see him become the Sith Lord. It settles on him and he wears it much more easily than the Jedi Knight Obi Wan wanted him to be. Go figure.
Star Wars 1 and 2 were a yawn but I really enjoyed 3. Not as much as 4 which I saw maybe a bazillion times but 3 was very good.
4.5 stars out of 5, it's a definite go see.
June 5, 2005 2:19 AM | Reply
I think Amidala should have just taken her pills like a good girl and this whole turning to the dark side thing would never have had to happen :)