to do lists ...

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My life has pretty much devolved into a bunch of to-do lists. I guess that's not necessarily a bad thing - unless stuff on the lists don't get checked off in a reasonable amount of time. Then the level of stress just seems to eat away at me. Thankfully, I've been able to get some stuff done and take great satisfaction in either striking out items on my electronic lists or scratching them off the paper lists with a thick black marker. Slash - another thing done. Whoo hoo. How ironic though - one of the things on my to do list (electronic sticky note on my laptop): order the book "Getting Things Done" by David Allen.

The ta da online to do list application is kind of ok. I like the collaboration part of it. Where I set up a couple of lists and shared with D. I think it'll need more testing before any decision on whether it's usable or not. (D promptly transcribed a bunch of his to do's to the big chalkboard in the kitchen at home - I think he just likes erasing stuff as it gets done). Yikes, I just checked my lists and the "things to do this summer" one is pretty ambitious because they're all pretty big projects. Lots of home stuff to do: build a deck, landscape yard, paint some rooms, refloor living room.... Well, one thing at a time I guess, maybe one project a month.

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Oof. I hope you reward yourself with a big tall glass of something for all that hard work.

Heh - you're not kidding and it won't be lemonade (unless it's a case of Mikes)! It's just a little overwhelming thinking of the mound of stuff to do.

I lost the exact link but you had a post in regards to the family BBQ and you mentioned a ball-b-que. I am desperately searching for one of these...had one...killed it by accident (It involved snow...birch...and a truck) better not to ask....

If you have one or know of where I could get one ( fond memories of the orange that I had but of course I am not picky at this point)please let me know and be forever in my fondest thoughts....

Shane Warwick

Hi Shane, welcome. I wish you all the best of luck on sourcing out a ball-b-que. They must be pretty rare by now. I did a quick search on google (which had a couple of hits) and ebay which had nada. I think the last one I've seen was on That 70's Show :) They were pretty cool though but I guess propane's getting the market pretty sewn up.

I used to be obsessed with getting all the things on my "To Do" list done, but what I didn't realize that most of the time I was just going through the motions of the project just to get it done without actually enjoying the moment.

Hi Maria, interesting point. Me, I don't really factor in enjoyment of the project per sey. I can't really get a whole lot of enjoyment out of the doing of any of the projects I mentioned (except maybe the landscaping one) but they all need to get done in various order of importance. For me the to do lists are a means of organizing my time so I can carve out a bit of time in my day to do the stuff that brings me real enjoyment - going for a run with my dog, training at the fencing salle, working on personal web designs, shopping with my daughter - stuff like that. Striking things off my to do list just means I have less things I have to do which leaves me a bit more time to do things I want to do.

I live at 26820 Commonwealth in Seattle. Been up here before?

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