weekend update ...

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... or more minutiae of mundania :)

Man! Is it Tuesday already? The days just seem to be zipping by. This past weekend was full of activity - a belated bowling birthday party for Aliya on Saturday, and a quick trip to Fredericton on Sunday where I competed in the Fencing NB Provincial Championships. I hope I get a chance to relax and do a bit of yard work this coming weekend. Yeesh!

bowling on a saturday afternoon

So what better way to spend a rainy Saturday afternoon than with a bunch of kids at the bowling lanes. I just love old bowling lanes - the ones with the googie touches in their decor. And these lanes have been around for an eternity - I think they're the oldest ones in Saint John. The party was a success - food first, then cake, then bowling - what more is needed? The kids had a lot of fun chucking balls down the lane (sorry mr. manager!) and a few, quite obviously, had played the game before. And of course, there was the obligatory wipe out - man those stinky bowling shoes can be pretty slippery.

Saturday night: Ahhhh - Aliya went to a sleepover at her friends house - so of course D and I took a run down to Blockbuster and rented "Closer". Hmmm - I'm not a big fan of Jude Law or Julia Roberts but I do like Clive Owen and Natalie Portman. The movie was excellent. I liked the clever segues/timeshifts. I liked the clever dialogue. I really liked the ending. It's a definite see.

All night long it rained a deluge and the next day Billie and I were to go to Fredericton to the competition. The St. John river has been in flood stage for the past couple of days and parts of Fredericton were flooded - yikes - but we're adventuresome so off we went. The water was surprisingly high in some areas along the road (which is kind of creepy) but we managed to get to the venue just fine. Maybe the news people are overhyping the flood stuff somewhat... Anyway - the tournament was fun and I managed to get into the top 8 pool again (yes!) and even though I got smoked (only one victory in the pool - sigh) I was still pretty happy with my performance over all. In the women's finals I took the gold again - so was pretty elated about that too. In the open I ended up 8th. Not a bad way to end the season. Now I've got the summer to think about and plan what I want to do with my fencing and set some goals for the coming season.

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