AUCTC conference - Day 2

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grand hall Day two of the conference was a full day of speakers and sessions, all of which were held at the magnificent KC Irving Environmental Science Centre. The high point of the day was sitting with Scott and Mehmet and brainstorming the nascence of our web designers/developers conference. I really hope we can make this happen because there's nothing north of Boston, east of Montreal where like-minded web professionals can gather to discuss, learn and brainshare both on the Web today and on the Web of the future.

The evening festivities included a banquet followed by a kitchen party at the Axe. (the student lounge).
the band The kitchen party was a blast! The music was great, toe tapping stuff and the beer was plentiful. A great way to wind up the day.

Of course, after the kitchen party ended, a few of us went looking for more party and decided to go down to the Anvil.

the Anvil

The Anvil was a place that we had found the night before; a place that had been recommended to us when we arrived a shade after last call at Paddy's. Following the directions we were given, we arrived at a place that was clearly Not a Main Street kind of place - just a little rough 'round the edges. I wonder if they call it the Anvil because you must leave your hesitation behind at the street corner and "forge" on ahead if you want to visit the bar.

(Un?)fortunately, there's not a lot open in Wolfville at 1:30 am - in fact only the Tim Horton's was open so coffee it was and then back home to bed to get a much needed 3 hours of sleep.

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