We went to see the Fantastic Four last night. The reviews have been pretty brutal about this film but being a fan of comics I insisted on seeing it anyway. Well, I liked it. It was quite enjoyable. I'm not sure what the reviewers are hoping for...folks this is an adaptation of a comic book not a literary epic. It's not meant to be an Oscar winner - it's just meant to be entertaining. I was entertained. I liked the characters - they did justice to the comic. Effects were good. Dr. Doom was particularly impressive when he finally got into his mask and cloak although I did wonder why the people of Latveria would gift an industrialst with a metal mask. Yes, there were plot holes but perhaps they'll have a better writer for the sequel.
Anyway, for light summer entertainment it works just fine.
3 stars out of 5
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Hi Chris - hope you enjoy the movie, thanks for the kind words.
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July 11, 2005 2:48 PM | Reply
I hear it is a really good movie. I can't want to see it.
Ps. Lovin' the new design, very slick.