7 years ago today ...

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my dad
...my dad passed away after struggling with cancer. Insidious disease that - just when you think it's gone it reappears suddenly with renewed vigor. This is probably the last photo I took of Dad, and it was in March of 1998. Seven years ago, but sometimes it feels like it was just yesterday.
My dad was a happy guy, full of life and full of the enjoyment of life. He liked to travel, he was a foodie who loved to try new foods, he loved his beer, his wine and the occasional glass of Glenfiddich. He was a doctor, who enjoyed his work and strived always for greater knowledge and to contribute to his field of medicine. He was a family man, a husband, father and grandfather who prized his only grandchild and he loved both his son-in-laws (whom he jokingly referred to as Son #1 and Son #2). He was greatly loved and we all feel his absence keenly.
Ihsan Ali Kapkin, MD, FRCP(C) --- R.I.P.
(April 23, 1924 - September 29, 1998)

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