happy birthday to me ...

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birthday cakeAnother year older, hopefully a bit more wiser. Birthdays ceased being even remotely interesting once I was past my teens, but the anticipation of a gooey, store-bought, lard ass cake makes my day complete. It's also Canadian Thanksgiving (which we celebrated yesterday at my sister's house) so two evenings of celebration - ahh gotta love the weekends of excess.

My birthday always hits around the Thanksgiving weekend, so that may well be the reason it's pretty much my favorite holiday (more than Christmas? yes, maybe even more than Christmas). Canadian Thanksgiving is about food and family. (Probably too much food as we often end up in a turkey coma with groaning tummies pushing back from the table.) But I like the family gathering at my house to feast on turkey and trimmings while the aroma of the meal permeates the house. Turkey, stuffing, potatoes, squash, pumpkin pie...mouth watering. And it doesn't have the frenzy and the sharply anti-climactic feeling of "it's over" that Christmas seems to have.

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