Microsoft announced yesterday that the IE7 beta version 2 has been released so that we developers can test our sites. I'm not entirely sure what they were thinking as the beta version overwrites the current stable version 6. F'cryin' out loud! Shouldn't testing software be standalone??? A workaround is to install IE7 and then install a standalone version of IE6 which is probably what I'm going to have to do. You can get a standalone IE6 at (See also the msdn blogs site for comments on IE7b2.)
By the way, apparently IE display hacks such as the Holly Hack and the *html filter do not work in IE7 so it's getting imperative to bone up on and use conditional comments.
For more information on and an understanding of the display bugs currently breaking IE6, take a read through the thread Taking on IE bugs: IE does not have multiple CSS bugs -- just one or two.