whoa - meeting madness...

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This week just past and next week looming may actually set a record for me in terms of meetings. Out of the 10 work days I think there may be about 3.5 days where I can work on projects or support tickets - craaazy. Summer is always our busy time since the students are few and there's more time for departments to focus on their website needs. So how does one manage productivity when time is at a premium and resources are scarce? It does seem to defy possibility but strangely enough it feels as though I have been getting stuff done. It helps to follow one of the GTD tricks - the inbox tray with sheets of paper each containing a specific task. I use that for the support tickets that have been queued seemingly forever and needing more in-depth analysis to solve the issue. Those I keep with me since I'm travelling a lot back and forth to Fredericton so I can work on them in between meetings. As well, I queued up larger project tasks on my whiteboard back in the office to work on when I'm not in a meeting day and am happy to report that most are now crossed off - ready to be erased and replaced. I have not, however, been able to start any new projects yet - and I don't anticipate that I'll be able to until after my vacation and hopefully by that time I'll be able to secure some contract help to assist with the overflow work.

And, of course, for whatever reason, it always seems busiest right before you go out on vacation (only 1 more week till vacation!). At this point I'm so looking forward to the break, but I think there will be a bit of a working component to it. I wish someday I'll be able to take a month off in the summer with no worries, but for now just two weeks will do.

As a side note, even though it's been crazy busy at work, I did get through the CSS Mastery book and it was a really good read. I learned some stuff and will be implementing some stuff in future design work so it was well worth the purchase price for me. I'd definitely recommend it.

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