August 2006 Archives

vacation's over - back to work...

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Well, my vacation is officially over today and I'm back to work. I say officially because I've been working "unofficially" while at home. See, that's what happens when you stay at home instead of heading for the hills (or beaches or what have you). But it doesn't really chafe as much as it could when you're working on your on call. So I feel rested and somewhat more energized - much more so that the fried husk of a person I was before going out. I think the best part of vacation is switching off the alarm clocks and just getting up whenever. Sinful! Decadent! (awesome!) It wasn't all lazing about at home though, we managed to get to the beaches a couple of times, take in the Rodin exhibit at the Beaverbrook Gallery in Fredericton, party with family most evenings, and take in a couple of movies: Miami Vice - loved it; Step Up - meh, it was ok.

So now it's time for some serious switching of the gears back into the multi-tasking dynamo we all know and love - yup there's websites to design, stylesheets to craft and tons of assorted stuff to get done. Have at 'er.



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