Hello - I'm back!

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Well, it's hard to believe it's September already and here we are closing out the first full week. It's been a busy, busy time for me since my last post in mid-August as I was part of three interview teams for some new hires in our department, as well as trying to keep up on top of the project work that builds to a frenzy as the start of term nears.

And while the on-campus frenzy was building to welcome students back to school - a different freny was building at home as my daughter started in high school this year. I honestly cannot believe how quickly the time has gone. It really seems like it was just last year that she was starting in kindergarten. High school! So day one went well for her and all the anxiety was for nothing. She happily making new friends and signing up for all kinds of stuff so here's hoping she has as much fun there as I did.

And, of course, the new fencing season is starting up and I'm right in the thick of things getting prepared for the first tournament of the season on the weekend of the 16th. I've been invited to the High Performance squad again so I might look into starting a new blog just to track my training. We'll see. It might be a bit ambitious of me to work on two blogs when I barely have time to nurture one.

So all in all, yes, it's been a busy summer but things are moving forward and stuff is getting done and that's a good thing. I expect I'll be able to make time to post more often now - so stay tuned.

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