It seems this past week that I've been more in my car than at my desk, work has taken me on the road Tuesday, Wednesday and I'll be leaving shortly for Fredericton again today for a work function. From there I'm off to Halifax for the weekend to compete at the Dal Open fencing tournament. It reminds me a bit of my younger days when I was more footloose and tooled around in an ancient and battered electric blue Mazda GLC named Zeke. (He was a hand-me-down car from my sister). I took to leaving a backpack of clothes and some shoes/flipflops in the trunk for those impulse days of heading out to a beach, or out on the town clubbing, or road tripping with friends. Now it's mainly road tripping for work or fencing. I don't mind the driving so much but it's so much more interesting under clear blue skies. I was wondering what the new highway from Fredericton to Moncton was like after seeing the almost lyrical writeup in the paper about the "soaring vistas" and "rolling hills". I wish the weather wasn't so gloomy today so I could enjoy the view - well perhaps it will clear a bit for me. One can always hope so anyway.
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