Contribute 4

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Hmmm, just noticed that Adobe has releasedContribute 4. We use Contribute as part of our Content Management Strategy here at UNB so I downloaded the (windows) upgrade it to see what's new. At first glance it doesn't seem to be any different that version 3 other than they've rebranded the welcome screen to Adobe, but wait, I see they've added the ability to configure blog setting in so that you can administer your blog with Contribute now. That's kind of neat. And I just noticed that it's integrated a toolbar into IE7 so that IE7 now has buttons to allow you to call Contribute to edit the page you're on or to select something on the page and call Contribute to blog it. Well, I'll have to play with it a bit more to see if I can get one of our system blogs configured. This could be quite handy I think.

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