essential 3rd party apps for mac (updated)

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Well, it's been a while since I last listed a bunch of apps that I simply could not live without on my mac. I figured it's probably time for an updated list so here we go:

  1. WindowShades X - by Unsanity. ($10 US). Still using it. Still lovin' it.
  2. Himmelbar - by Softbend (free). I'm still using Himmelbar but less and less as I've found new kid on the block Overflow to be just a tad more useful.
  3. Overflow - by Stunt Software. ($14.95) I picked this up as a freebie from the Mac App a Day website last December and I'm finding that it's very useful for people like me who need to organize their apps in sensible palattes. Plus it keeps your Dock a manageable size - bonus.
  4. Google notifier - by Google (free). Updated to include alerts for both your Gmail and you Google Calendar on your menu bar. Is very nice!
  5. NewsFire - by David Watanabe ($18.99 US). Still my hands-down choice for a desktop RSS Reader client.
  6. Yummy FTP - by Yummy Software ($25 US) OK this app beats Cyberduck and Transmit (although Cyberduck is still a good choice for a free app). The speed is just blazing fast on file transfers.
  7. Mac Janitor - by Brian Hill (free). I'm still using this handy app.

And that's pretty much it in a nutshell. I'm always on the lookout for productivity apps so let me know if there's one out there that just shouldn't be missed.

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