5 favourites

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So I've been toying with the idea of writing up an entry that lets those of you who are interested get to know me a bit more. Kind of humanize the person behind the blog sort of thing. Anyway, I've decided to do a list of 5 favourites - not necessarily in any particular order. Don't know how much it tells you about me but here you go:

5 Favourite Movies (not necessarily all time faves, but ones I'd watch more than a few times again)
* Gladiator
* Sin City
* Lord of the Rings (extended version)
* V for Vendetta
* Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
(notice how I snuck in an extra 2 movies?)

5 Favourite (current) TV Shows (stuff I must watch, tape or TIVO)
* 24
* Heroes
* Lost (on again tonight YAY!)
* Friday Night Lights
* Ugly Betty

5 Favourite Bands (ok this will be a real toughie because I like a LOT of music so it's probably just going to be stuff that's in heavy rotation right now)
* Evanescence
* Hoobastank
* Incubus
* Nickel Creek

5 Favourite Colours
* Lemon Yellow
* Tangerine Orange
* Twilight Sky on a Clear Winter Night (a deep velvety blue)
* New Leaf Green
* Candy Pink

5 Favorite Foods (to be washed down with some yummy wine - pref. red)
* Thin Crust Pizza (yes, with anchovies)
* Chicken Curry (esp. Tikki Masala)
* Veggie Stir Fry
* Grilled Fish
* Fajitas

I might do up another set later if I can come up with 5 more things to have favourites of.

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